Every six months we have troop elections at our troop. The boys get to vote on their new leadership for the next six months. It is a sort of changing of the guard. This spring-summer term our new leadership is as follows:
Senior Patrol Leader: Skyler A.
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader: Matthew M.
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader: Nathan C.
Troop Guide: Brent D.
Troop Scribe: Landon D.
Quartermasters: Benjamin D., Kenneth Y., and Jack O.
Chaplin’s Aid: Julian L.
Patrol Leaders:
Cowboys: Willam Y
Timbersharks: Zachary L
Vikings: Samuel C
Leadership Core: Caden H.
Next month we will be heading to our Spring Camporee, a big competition between other troops in our district with our new leadership boys. We are all behind you guys. Let’s do this!